Line 3. qua: quā (adv.)
4. que: ML spelling
habundantiam: see O.3
5. bonum: I would translate "gift".
7. circunspectis: ML spelling; Cassell's, s.v. 1, "Transf."
que: ML
8. id: obj. of posse.
10. preminebam: < CL praeemineo.
ut: I would put a comma after this.
quamcunque: ML spelling; forms a phrase with feminarum; obj. of dignarer (look carefully in your Cassell's for what type of construction goes with this). Note that this is a type of relative pronoun....
amore: I would put a comma after this.
12. eam: Heloise (easily to be understood, since puellam is the last sing. fem. noun)
nos: for its case, look to presentare.
13. liceret: Cassell's "the action permitted is expressed by a n. pronoun or by an infin. or clause, acting as subject of the verb...."
14. interesse: Cassell's, s.v. 2.