Thursday, March 27, 2014

Extra extra notes for Heloise ii

I have slightly expanded my notes on the second section of Heloise, to try to help things go more smoothly in class. Here they are....

1. Nichil: ML
te pure: take with concupiscens
tua: there is no noun this could modify, therefore it is a substantive.
2. federa: ML
expectavi: effectively ends one clause, leaving non denique meas voluptates aut voluntates ... adimplere studui.
3. nosti: cf. i.1
4: sanctius ac validius: "too ...."
dulcius: trans. as regular comparative
extitit: <exsto
4. amice: ML (amica has a very specific connotation--Cassell's, s.v. amicus -a -um)
5. vocabulum: "name"
ut: in that
6: consequor: Cassell's, s.v., 2.
7. excellentie: ML spelling; not best trans. as "excellence" here--see your dictionaries.
Quod: rel. pron. referring to the previous idea; trans. "this." For its case, note that the verb is oblitus ... fuisti.
8. ea: + epistola
ad amicum: with ea ... epistola, since quam supra memini is a relative clause
epistola .... directa: directa modifies epistola, so pro consolatione must be part of this phrase.
9. quibus: rel. pron. introduces rel. clause that ends with next finite verb; this leaves ubi et rationes nonnullas .... exponere non es dedignatus....