16. exteris nationibus: for the case, look up oppono in your dictionary
Jebusaeos: see S. on Jacobitae in line 18
21.mori in via: that is, dying before one sets out can be considered as dying en route if one truly intended to make the journey. Committing to the crusade counts as participation.
24. caritas: I would trans. as "an act of grace"
26. quia: "that"
28. remeabitis: cf. meo meare (the English "meander" does not come from this, but from the name of the Maiandros River).
33. esto: S. should have said "future imperative" (see A&G 170)
quin: A&G 558
I'll mention yet again that after this we will go straight to Robert the Monk's version of the Council of Clermont in Medieval Mosaic pp. 148-50.
An illustration of Pope Urban II preaching the First Crusade, from a book dating from 1490
Statue of Urban II at Clermont.