The second extra reading comes from Einhard's life of Charlemagne (from Harrrington and Pucci Medieval Latin, 2nd ed.). You will be reading some the Vita Karoli Magni in R.M.L., but I figured it's important enough that a bit extra wouldn't hurt. It's also less freaky than a lot of what you've been reading.
I apologize for the size of the file.

Right: crowning of Charlemagne (from Les Grandes Chroniques de France, c. 1375-9; Bibliotheque nationale de France).
Below: reliquary bust of Charlemagne in silver and gold from Aachen Cathedral (started by Charlemagne, c. 790-800), 1349. Charlemagne was canonized in 1166 by one of the Anti-popes and never properly recognized by Rome. But he was eventually beatified on the grounds of long-standing cult.