Thursday, December 5, 2013

Grades for second assignment and meaning of letter grades

I forgot to include the grade spread on the key to the second assignment: A = 2, A- = 2, B+ = 3, B+/B = 1, B/B- = 1, B- = 1, C+/B- = 1, C+ = 1.

The split grades mean that when I calculate the marks at the end of the year, the numerical value for that grade is the average of the two. Therefore a B+/B is halfway between a B and a B+.

I would like to remind you of the Faculty of Arts and Science's grading regulations (Academic Regulation 10). There is a detailed long description, but the short summary adequately indicates what each letter grade means:

B+Very Good
B-Reasonably Good
CMinimally Acceptable (Honours)
C-Minimally Acceptable (General)
D+Unsatisfactory Pass
DUnsatisfactory Pass
D-Unsatisfactory Pass
FFailure - No Course Credit

Since the difference between exceptional, outstanding, and excellent is not immediately clear, note the following:

A+Indicates exceptional performance that exceeds the highest standards. The course content has been mastered, the ability to apply the material in new ways has been demonstrated, and an understanding of the wider context is evident, all to an exceptional degree.
Consistent performance at this level leads to placement on the Dean's Honour List with Distinction (see Academic Regulation 12).
AIndicates outstanding performance that meets the highest standards. The course content has been mastered, the ability to apply the material in new ways has been demonstrated, and an understanding of the wider context is evident.
A-Indicates excellent performance that meets very high standards. Mastery of the course material and ability to apply the material in new ways have been demonstrated.  

This is a bit belated, but look at what I found: a dragon attacking an elephant!